Return, Refund and Cancellation Policy

Return Policy

In case an item received is different from what was ordered, please send us a mail on We will have the item collected from your end and the correct item will be sent to you. Transport cost for this will be borne by us.

Similarly, if the item you receive is not in usable condition, you can mail us at We will have the item collected from your end and a fresh item will be sent to you. Transport cost for this will be borne by us.

Please note, while we take great care in packaging your order, to ensure that it reaches you in perfect condition, there is a chance, in case of extremely hot climate, that chocolate items will melt. This does not affect the quality of the product in any way. Please store the items in a cool, dry place, and do not keep in freezer to maintain the best quality.

Refund Policy

Please write to us at if you require a refund against a purchase you have made.

Refunds will be processed through the same mode used for payment of the order and usually within 4-7 Business days.
We will refund your payment in the following cases:

  • If the item is not received by you within 15 days from date of order (subject to correct information received from the customer)
  • If the item received by you is defective or not usable.
  • If you have not received the correct item

In cases where the item has been delivered to you, we will arrange for it to be picked up and returned to us. On confirmation of the defect / fault, we will refund your payment.
In case your complaint does not fall under any of the above heads, but you require a refund, please write to us at and we will do our best to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.

If you wish to change the address after placing the order please write to us immediately to hello@bolmaycocoa .com, as once the consignment is dispatched, terms of the shipping provider will apply.

Cancellation Policy

If you wish to cancel an order once placed, please mail us on
Orders can be cancelled within 24 hours of being placed. In this case, the full amount will be reimbursed.
In case the item has been dispatched, if the item is to be cancelled, the amount of the cost of products will be refunded. The packing and transport cost will not be refunded.

If you couldn’t collect the items that are send to you and are returned to us by the courier party for any reasons the shipping cost has to be borne by the customer.
In case the item has been received by you, the order cannot be cancelled. In this case please follow the refund policy.


  • Items once ordered will be dispatched within 5 working days from date of order. Dispatch will be by courier. Delivery will normally be within 3-5 days from dispatch and delivery to remote places or any other unforeseen cases delivery may take longer.
  • For request for re-delivery to a different address from that given during order, additional transportation charges will apply.
  • Return / refund requests must be made within 3 days of receipt of the order.
  • The minimum order value for placing orders on the website is Rs 99.
  • Packing and transport cost will be over and above the value of the item.
  • Bolmay cocoa retains the right to refuse any order unconditionally.
  • All claims are subject to the jurisdiction of Court at Kozhikode, Kerala, India.